
Goldman Sachs Aktie: Überholspur ()

Goldman Sachs Aktie: Überholspur ()

Goldman Sachs Aktie: Überholspur ()

Goldman Sachs Group Activities Affect a Performance. A current exchange rate of EUR 484.05 (Stand: 30. October 2024) is included in Wertpapier’s internal allowance for a beach fee of 8.68%. The mentions are as follows: Aktie verzeichnete some 76.77%, which reached the highest score. Trotz has the most positive rating on Handelstag, currently yielding 0.14%.

Dividend and Kennzahlen

In 2024, the Goldman Sachs facility generated a dividend of 11.33 euros, yielding a dividend of 2.53%. The Kurs-Gewinn-Verhaltnis (KGV) reached 13.96 points for 2024, with a moderate delay. Angesichts, an attractive Zahlen and plain Marktposition bleibt for Goldman Sachs Aktie für Anleger.


Goldman Sachs-Aktie: Better or better?! Neue Goldman Sachs-Analyse vom 30. Oktober liefert die Answer:

The new Goldman Sachs-Zahlen gave a talk: Dringender Handlungsbedarf for Goldman Sachs-Aktionäre. Are you starting fresh or wanting more? In the available free analysis of 30. In October, you did it.

Goldman Sachs: Better or better? Here you go…